Healthcare Study

Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
Do you or does anyone in your family work in advertising or marketing research?
Do you or does anyone in your immediate family work for a company that provides communications technology solutions for business or the public sector?
Please tell us the name of the company that you work for as well as the website URL.
Please tell us the name of the company that you work for as well as the website URL.
Approximately how many employees (excluding contractors and consultants) work for your company worldwide?
Which of the following best describes your company’s business?
Are you personally responsible for, or part of a decision-making committee with authority regarding, business and/or technology requirements, operations, profit and loss, and ROI?
Which of the following issues most present a significant challenge to your organization today?
When it comes to your involvement in business and/or technology processes for your company, in which of the following areas are you personally involved?
Which of the following best describes your primary role within your company? SELECT ONLY ONE
Which of the following titles describes your function?
Which of the following best describes your approach to interacting in a group?
This online session requires that you type your responses. How comfortable are you expressing and sharing your opinions briefly in writing?