Social Media III
Telephone number
Zip code
Email address
What is your job title or position?
S1 Are you …? Please select one.
QS2. What is your age?
QS3. Which industry do you and your immediate family members work in?
1 Media, e.g., newspapers, magazines
2 Government Employees, e.g., local/state/federal level (not including teachers, professors, postal workers)
3 Companies or Jobs, which are focused on services of data protection and data security, e.g., financial services company (like a bank) IT department, any IT system security
4 Technology companies
5 Healthcare
6 Finance
7 Hospitality
QS5 Do you own and use a smartphone or tablet, on which you can download apps, record videos, and browse the web? Please select one.
1 Yes, smartphone
2 Yes, tablet
3 Yes, smartphone and tablet
4 No
QS5a Which of the following operating systems do you use? Please select all that apply.
1 iOS (Apple products)
2 Android
3 Chrome (Google products)
4 Other
QS6 Which of the following categories do you use any smartphone or tablet app for …? Please select all that apply.
1 Productivity (work emails, web browsing, calendar, etc.)
2 Financial Management (banking, credit, loans, etc.)
3 Professional (networking, industry news, job hunting, etc.)
4 Social Media
5 Gaming
6 Dating
7 Entertainment (streaming video content, music, etc.)
8 News
9 Health/Fitness
10 Community (local for sale/free, local issues/news, local groups)
11 None of these
QS7 Now, we’d like to ask a little bit more about your social media usage. Which of the following social media apps have you ever used on your smartphone or tablet? Please select all that apply.
1 Facebook
2 Instagram
3 Snapchat
4 Pinterest
5 Twitter
6 Tumblr
7 Reddit
8 Google+
9 Facebook Messenger
10 IMessage
How often do you use Facebook?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Instagram
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Snapchat?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Pinterest
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Twitter?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Tumblr?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Reddit?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Google+
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use Facebook Messenger?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
How often do you use iMessage?
1 Use most out of social media apps (Primary use)
2 Use daily
3 Use about once a week
4 Use about once a month
5 Use less than once a month
6 App installed but don’t use
7 Closed account or deleted app
QS9 When using your primary social media app, what features are you aware of? Please select all that apply.
1 Personalized newsfeed – a content feed proactively shared with me based on my interests or people I know
2 Live video – interacting with people in real time and live reactions to the broadcast
3 Search – a tab with search function that allows me to type in key words to search for relevant content
4 Profile page – a hub for your personal updates or to browse friend’s updates
5 Stories – sharing photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours
6 Sharing - photos, videos, and memories
7 Marketplace – buy and sell items
8 Payments – connect your card to send or receive money or purchase goods and services
9 Discovery – a tab with suggested content and specific content categories that I can explore through or interact with
10 News – a tab with trusted news content and specific categories that I can explore through
11 Group or Community Pages – pages with content or interests that I follow
12 People Pages – pages with people (e.g. celebrities, influences, etc.) that I follow
13 Friend Pages – pages of friends I follow
14 Dating – meet new people and build meaningful relationships
15 Other
QD1 Which of the following best describes where you currently live? Please select one.
1 Urban area
2 Suburban area
3 Rural area
QD2 What is your marital status? Please select one.
1 Single
2 Married or partnered
3 Separated/Widowed/Divorced
QD3 Are you the parent of any children under the age of 18? Please select one.
How many of your children under the age of 18 live in your household?
QD4 Would you describe your racial or ethnic background as…?
1 White or Caucasian
2 Black or African American
3 Hispanic or Latino
4 Asian
5 American Indian or Alaskan Native
6 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders
7 Bi-racial
8 Something else
What is the highest level of education you have completed, or the highest degree you have received? Please select one.
1 Have completed some high school
2 Have a high school diploma
3 Have completed some college
4 Have a college degree
5 Have completed some graduate work
6 Have a graduate degree
QD6 Which range best describes the total combined annual income of all members of your household? Please select one.
1 Less than $25,000
2 $25,000 to less than $50,000
3 $50,000 to less than $75,000
4 $75,000 to less than $100,000
5 $100,000 to less than $150,000
6 $150,000 to less than $200,000
7 $200,000 or more
Submit Your Responses